Mainland Journal from Pleasantville, New Jersey (2024)

Pleasantville Volume 20. PLEASANTVILLE, NEW ON THE SEPTEMBER 4, 1912. Nr.MUEn Presenting all the Latest and Best PHOTO PLAYS MOVING PICTURES The Finest Ever Shown TWO Performances Daily Afternoon at 2.30 Evening at 8 Pictures Changed Daily NOTHING CHEAP BUT THE PRICE i Admission 10 cents Children 3 cents PLEASANTVILLE J. NORMAN SHINN ATTORNEY AT LAW Pleasantville Trust Co. Building Pleasantville, N.

J. Phones: Office, 39-X Horae, 18-Y Wood, ircn, Paper Muslin and Electric Gold Work on Glass A Specially A. FRITSCH, Hampden Ave Pbane 216-x Going Gunning? Prepare By Buying Your Shells At 35 Main St All This Stock Prices Fight In The Social World Pleasantville Visitors and Other Items of a Nature. Dr. C.

Munro is on the sick list. Mr. W. G. Large is quite ill at his Washington avenue home.

Mrs. D. W. MacMillan has Returned 1 from a visit to New York City. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles A. Campbell motored to Asbury Park last week. Miss Ida Butler, of Bridgeton, was the guest last week of Mrs. J.

Walter Martz. Miss Ethel R. Risley has gone to Eaglesmere, where she will spend a month. Mr. and Mrs.

Jeff. Davis and Master are spending a few days in New York! Miss Vallaria Moore, of Centreville, is a guest of her sister, Mrs. W. Claude Bailey. Mlaster Carlton Robinson, of Philadelphia, is the guest of Mr.

and Mrs. B. E. Whitman. Mrs.

Elias Campbell is spending a three weeks valuation with relatives in Georgetown, Dei. Miss Helen Fritsch has returned from a visit with relatives at Egg Harbor City. Mis's Marjorie North -has returned home after a delightful visit with friends in New York. Mrs. Dickinson, of Philadelphia, was" the guest of Mrs.

M. i E. Rinker on Friday. S. Lake and children of Pitman, were guests of Mrs.

Samuel Garton on Friday. Miss Rena Geisev spent several days of last week as the guest of Mrs. David B. Fairbrothers. Mr.

and Mrs. Martin B. of Philadelphia, were week-end visitors of Mrs. Amanda Gouldy. Russell Garton has, returned from a three visit' with relatives in Pitman and Williamstown.

DO YOUR EYES PAIN YOU? Have Headaches? Perhaps you Heed Glasses. Consult an Experienced Optician. 13 South Main Street Pleasantville, N. J. OFFICE HOURS 8-inA.

M. 2 5 P. M. 7 8 P. M.


ATLANTIC CITY. Extraordinary Values For This Week Now Have you supplied your wants from our stock of Clothing, Furnishings and Shoes We make lower prices this week to clean up balance of goods Ladiev' Radcliffe Oxfords OO Sizes 21zt 3, 3g. Were $2.50 and $3 pr. Clean-Up of Men's Suits at and $15 values. Sizes 36, 37, 40, 42 Men's Waldorf Oxfords; also Thacher OO Oxfords; sizes 5, 6, 62, 9 pr.

Men's Crawford Oxfords, sizes 5, 98 5i, 6, 61, 7. Were $3.50 and $4 Trousers $4.00 ones $3.00 $3.50 ones $2.50 $3.00 ones $2.00 $2.50 ones $1.75 Shirts Monarch now 79c pL good 75c Shirt 58c Mostly all shzes Fall Goods arriving daily for School Needs in and Girls' Shoes Miss Helen Long spent Monday in Atlantic City. Miss Margie Wagner spent the week-end with Mrs. J. Mason, of Ati lantic City.

Miss Pearl Pile, of Haddon Heights, is spending a week with the family of Fred. G. Pile. Miss Mamie Small, who has been visiting Mrs. James Gilkey, has turned to her Westville home.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Henry, of Haddon Heights, spent Labor Day 1 with Mr. and Mrs.

Fred. G. Pile. Miss Emma Lake, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Samuel- Gar- 1 ton, has returned to her Pitman home.

Lawrence Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith, is recuperating, af! ter a lengthy illness of typhoid fever.

Mr. Frank Gaskill spent the week: end with his son and Mr. and Mrs. Max H. Kirkht, Brighton Place.

i Mrs. Henry Munro has been entertaining her mother, Mrs. Tische, and brother, Master Fred. Tische, for two weeks? John Beckman, of the Philadelphia Police Department, was entertained last "week by his sister, Mrs. Daniel Humphries.

Supervising Principal Thomas W. I Hartman, with his family, are occupythe Casto house, on East Washington avenue. Mr. and Mrs. A.

C. Hall have had as guests Mr. and Mrs. Frank'Hall i and children and Mr. E.

C. Hall, of New York City. Attorney and'Mxs. J. Edward Ashmead, of Newark were guests last week of his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. John P. Ashmead. Mr. and Mrs.

Bert. T. Woodruff, of Newark, are guests for a week of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Job H.

Woodruff, 83 Adams avenue. Miss Mida Blake, of Delaware City, was the guest of her grandparents, Capt. and Mrs. Mark W. on Wednesday and Thursday.

Master Fred. Y. Woodruff, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Job H.

Woodruff, has returned home, after a delightful vacation spent with relatives. Mrs. F. Reinar had as her guests the past week Mrs. C.

Hensler arid daughter and Misses Katy and Nan Schlittlei, all of Philadelphia. Franklin E. Smith and William Orr were confined to their homes by sicki ness last week, but we are glad to report both improved at this time. Miss Armenia Risley spent the day I with her cousin, Miss Harriet Treen, I at her beautiful summer home on South Chelsea avenue, Atlantic City. Mr.

and Mrs. C. Edwin Pusly, Miss Mazie Pusey and Ed. Pusey are the guests of Mrs. parents, Mr.

and Mrs. H. C. Thomas, on Edgewater avenue. Capti and Mrs.

Mark W. Blake were 1 the dinner guests on Wednesday of Dr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Morgan at their pretty summer cottage at Port Republic.

Messrs. Michael B. Nichols and S. I Lee Tucker, of who have been spending sometime in Atlantic City, paid The Pleasar.tville Press office a call on Thursday. Mr.

Albert Weeks and son, William Moyer, and Mrs. Madenine and ly, of Philadelphia, are spending three weeks as guests of the family i of Judge Joseph F. Weeks. Miss Carrie M. Wheler, who has been the summer at her home in Newville, has returned Pleasantville for the winter to sume her duties'in School No.

2. Miss Alyce Humphries, who has been assisting her father at The Pal: ace Theatre, leaves next Sunday for New York, where she has a position with the Chimes of Normandy company. Dr. and Mrs. J.

H. North entertained over Labor Day Mr. J. Howard North and wife and Mr. Herbert R.

Doak, of Merchantville, N. and Mr. Clifford Parmalee, of Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Mr.

and Mrs. Sherwood Risley, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Albertson, Mr. and Mrs.

Doughty Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Long and Mr. Ellsworth Long motored to Delaware Water Gap last week, spending several days. Mr.

and Mrs. Damon G. Humphries of Woodstown, who are occupying their summer cottage at Ventnor, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John G.

Thomas during the week. Mr. Humphries is a prominent business man of Woodstown, New Jersey. Prof. Reuben B.

Reeves and mother, Mrs. Geo. H. Reeves, and Mr. Herbert Pettit, of Cape May, N.

have been tourkig the coask in Prof. and on the journey stopped off sometime as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hazelton. Mrs.

Sarah E. Stout, of Berlin, entertained shore friends on Sunday at her handsome home. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Richard S.

Collins, of Port Republic, Mr. and Mrs. C. Warren Collins, of Palmyra, Miss Alice M. French and Mr.

Levi Collins, of Gibbsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Jacsb Frendlich have entertained the past week Mr. and i Mrs.

Wm. Knapp, of Princeton, and Mrs. Hosea Joslin, of Mrs. Benj. H.

Somers, of Springfield, Ohio, Mrs. John Mason and daughter Reba, of Atlantic City, and Miss Ele; nor Bosley, of Baltimore. After reading these Poetical adver- tisemeffts go for pure drugs' and medicines. I IF YOU BELIEVE IN ADVERTISING, USE THE PLEASANTVTLLE PRESS REGULARLY, IT WILL 1PAY' Subscribe for Press. A POETICAL GLANCE At Some of the Prominent Business Houses in Pleasantville.

The Blake-Yerkes Inc. Estab. 1908. avenue'and. Main street.

Bell'Phone 53-A. leading Hardware store. Building supplies, paints, oils, varnishes and general house-furnishings. This is a large and well-filled store Of all you want and something more. Blake-Yerkes Co.

have a perfect line, Both light and heavy, coarse or fine. In hardware goods, largely they deal, In iron, copper, tin and steel, locks and keys and bolts and screws, And nails of every kind to use. Axes, hatchets, chisels, saws, Ahd vices with their hardened jaw3, Hinges, staples and best of wire, In cutlery all you may desire. Shears and scissors sharp, In- these they deal, And hammers faced with tempered steel. They sell at prices which defy All competition; come and try; There is no doubt that you will buy.

Shoe Store, 8 North Main I street. Phone connection. Pleasanti leading family shoe store. Fine boots and shoes, all the 'latest styles, everything- up-to-date, school shoes a specialty. Ask for Buster Brown At.

Mr. shoe store, should you choose To fit yourself witfc boots or shoes, A stock immense you there will find, With fashion, taste and strength combined. Boots for laborers on the farm To keep their feet both dry and warm. Pumps for youngsters when they go To trip the light fantastic toe; In short, all work within this line, Both light and heavy, coarse or fine; Material good, superbly made, He stands A1 among the trade. I His stock includes the different sizes, And sold at downright low prices; So please to make an early call, He guarantees to please you all.

0. J. Hammett Inc. 1892. Bell Phone 1.

Main entrance opposite Atj lantic City Cemetery. leading Marble and Granite Works. 1 In the pure and snow white marble, Or the variegated, too; Or the hard and noble granite, What you wish for, they can do. Either plain or fancy tombstones, With monuments so tall, With or without decorations, They can satisfy you all. A tribute they will make you, For your relatives or friends, Just leave your order promptly, To the same they will attend.

And in all their line of business, Be the same well understood, are the best, if not the cheapest, For their own and public good. Palace Stables and Garage, 24 West Washington avenue. Phone, Bell 210.1 Open all night. lead- I ing Livery, Boarding and Garage stables. Funeral carriages supplied at short notice.

Quick service. Louis Zeatmayei, proprietor. For business or for pleasure, Mr. Zentmayer will provide An automobile or carriage not object to, Should you wish to take a ride He has automobiles, coupes and carries, 'v. The roomy and the small, And the strongest fleetest horses Do here await your call; His turn-outs are unequaled By any in the land, And when you want his services He is always on hand.

For fall and winter weather He has everything complete, Then come and make a trial, For his charges are not great. Wm. L. Anderson, 17 South Main street. Bell Phone 227-A.

forget Baltimore but go to Wm. L. Anderson, leading popular Fire Insurance and Real Estate Agent and Commissioner of Deeds, It only takes a little thing To kindle a big By dropping a cigar or match Or in a dozen ways. And long before you realize Your house has taken fire You lose your all, and hard-earned means By conflagration dire. Is it not better for you At Mr.

to Against such loss and so protect Your house and furniture? Insure with him and you may sleep With comfort every night, For if a thing is lost by fire In the end make it right. Leeds and Higbee, Washington and Fourth avenues. Bell Phone 316-W and lo-A. leading Grocers, Healers in staple and fancy groceries, fresh country butter and eggs, choice fruits and vegetables, feed, hay and straw. Best of coffees, best of teas, Best of butter, best of cheese, Best of sugar, best of spices, Best of moderate prices.

Leeds and Higbee have on hand Family flour -of the finest brand, Canned goods, preserves, delicious fruit, And pickles that we know will suit. Nuts and raisins, mustard keen, Soap, starch, blueing, kerosene, Tobaccos for to -smoke or chew, And excellent cigars for you. Unto yvur interest it will be To purchase in and see. This is tbeir hobby, mark it well, None but the best of goods to sell, At prices low you will find; Square dealing awaits you at their store. Here are some of the you will want: Shoes Hosiery Blouses Trousers Caps Dresses Suits Shirts Collars Neckties Percales for Blouses Ginghams for Dresses We are headquarters for these things.

You want things that will wear--that are strong. We have been laying in against these strenuous days. Good Goods Good Service The Square Deal Tlie Weaver Lake and Risley opposite Pennsylvania R. R. Depot.

Estab. 1882. leading Lumber Merchants. Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Lime, Terra-Cotta Pipe, Paints, Oil, Glass and Building Material. Bell jjhones 12 and 214.

What would, the age do Without the use of lumber? The Lake and Risley Company has shingles and lath without number. They have dry building lumber, And lumber for floors; Also pickets and sidings, Sash, Blinds and Doors. All sizes of Windows, Furnished neat as a pin; The largest stock in Pleasantville, There ever has been. Moulding for cornice, Of many designs, Banisters and Railings, And Inside Blinds. Stair Railing and Patterns, Novel and unique; Everything artistic That Builders will seek.

Their mammoth yards are accessible to all, Have your list ready when on them you call. C. W. Lear, 35 South Main street. Bell Phones 79-W and 308-A.

leading cigar store. Choice cigars and tobacco. A fine line of articles, Confectionery, Souvenir Cards, daily and weekly papers, stationery and fishing tackle. Should study mar your thinking Or your intellect obscure, Just step into Cigar Store And get a cigar. All kinds of fixings Are found within this store.

The Briar, Clay and wooden pipe Not often seen before. The finest kind of tobacco For smoking or to chew, Go there and make your purchases, the best thing you can do. Mervyn Wilson, 3 North Main Post Office Block, Pleasantville, leading up-to-date Furnish- ing Goods store. Hats and Caps of New York and latest styles. Phone connection.

Young man, do you to get a wife, With a good stock of tin? Now step in and call at Mr. And get a cravat or pin. He has the newest shades of ties, Of every pattern and tint; As a glimpse of his windows will show, If you only take a squint. He has handkerchiefs of new dfesigns, And all the latest shades; A man who wears one soon will see of finest fabric made. And fine dress shirts, cuffs and lars, too, He has full stock, That will make the girls admire you, Before walked a block.

So forget to call on him, And see he has to sell; For of his wonders, hardly here 1 We have the 9 East Washington avenue, Wagenheim proprieors. Bell phone 39-W, Pleasantville. Leading Meat Market, Choice Home Dressed Meats and Poultry, Fresh Country Butter, Eggs and Fruits and Vegetables. Open all the year round. Having the choicest meats 3nd lamb on hand, A splendid stock at your command, Rich, home dressed and The purest and the best, Your orders will receive prompt atAt reasonable prices, tention, Which I will not mention.

Sugar-cured hams that' stand the test, up to me to give you the best, At prices low as all the rest. John W. Kiykbride, Turnpike near Shore Road. Phone 108X. Estab.

1895. Leading Practical Horse Sheer and Blacksmith. Wagon and Carriage Repairing. On Turnpike and Shore Road A horsesho*r find, Where J. W.

Kirkbride will shoe And sharpen in a manner rare All kind of horses and mules, Will with attention meet, A special care is given To the ones with tender feet. For the best of work in shoeing, If you believe in a friend, Just call on Mr. Kirkbride, On him you can depend. Liaive ami rvisiey co. Opposite Pennsylvania R.

R. Depot. Bell Phone 12 and 214. leading Coal and Wood Yard and all kinds of Building Material. Quick service and delivery.

For articles needed and worthy of mention Lake and Risley dertiand your attention. This firm is well known As dealers in fuel, as many attest, When the winds are most cruel, They deal largely in coal, Both soft and hard; And they sell by the cafToad, Or delivered from the yard. They handle coal In quantities large and small, And are ever ready to supply The demands of all. They are well located easy to find. Their business card in connection With this you will find.

The Homestead Bakery, 18 East Washington avenue. Bell Phone 348. leading sanitary bakery. Bread, cakes, pics. Vedding and fancy cakes to order.

A. E. Danielson, proprietor. It's often been said That poorly made bread Will bring on ills, Make families sad, That ought to be glad. And swell up the bills.

Over all the world Bad bread is allied With evils that shorten life's thread, But the man a sage, And lives to old age, Is he that eats bread. Now if you know it, try it. A i.

Mainland Journal from Pleasantville, New Jersey (2024)
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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.